Sola Gratia

For His Word, Church, and Glory

Archive for December 2009

Mo Money, Mo Problems

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In Chapter 6 of the gospel of Mathhew Jesus adresses a topic that is important in our walk with God: money. We either serve God or we serve money and what it can bring us. The simple premise behind the teaching of Jesus, which includes our money (which is God’s really) is that we cannot be torn between two kings.

Money is one of those topics that is hard to discuss. MOst problems in families and relationships in general usually revove around money and how it is being used. At church we have been discussing the importance of worship and generosity. What does it look like to be generous with the gifts God brings? How do we be salt and light as the church to bring the good news of Jesus without appealing to a srtict social gospel hermenuetic?

Money and how it is spent reveals what we value; our heart is where our treasure is. May we come to have wisdom in the matter of  money and be grateful for the resources we have.

Written by ryan069

December 30, 2009 at 6:41 pm

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Hebrew: Learning the Language of the OT

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I started last year with an introduction to NT Greek. I’m grateful that I decided to split up the language requirements at Westminster Seminary so that I could focus on each language separately. Going into Hebrew I had a lot of trepidation, and I am glad to say that I am a big fan of Hebrew now. The skills required to learn a language are tedious and demand a lot of repition. At times I look at the letters and wonder what it says; but over this semester, I have noticed an initial grasp of some of the fundamentals of language. Something in English I didn’t really think about or understand.

The verbs in Hebrew are challenging due to their various forms and conjugations. I am excited that I passed the oral section of the class requirement and recited Genesis 1:1-2 from memory. It’s a small step, but it gives me encouragement to study God’s Word in the original languages. I can relate to those who don’t see it as a necessity; our English translations are reliable and attest the person and work of Christ. At times I have forgotten that I have meditated on God’s Word, however it has been through the Hebrew or Greek.

I recommend that pastors and teachers learn the original languages of the Bible. Some will excel more than others, but the goal at WSC is to equip pastors and teachers to read the text. That’s what we are called to do. Preach the Word. Rightly dividing God’s Word.

Written by ryan069

December 10, 2009 at 12:27 am

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