Sola Gratia

For His Word, Church, and Glory

Archive for July 2008

Radio Shows

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I appreciate the wide variety of media available to learn about the things of God and to proclaim Christ and His glory. I have listened to many shows, but two stand out- The White Horse Inn and Renewing Your Mind. R.C Sprouls is the founder of Ligionier Ministries and his radio program introduced me to the doctrines of grace and Reformed Theology.  Most recently, TWHI has been a blessing as well, helping me to know what I believe and why I belive it.

I had the opportunity to view a taping of the show at the oceanside Reformed Church. This was a wonderful time to see how a radio program is taped and how the host, Micheal Horton, opened discussion about the topic at hand- Consumerism: Selling Jesus.  I’m grateful for the way God is working to equip His people about His Word and how we are called to proclaim Christ and His Redemptive work.

We have many avenues to grow as a disciple. The hard part at times is to put into practice what we hear. For me, I have noticed a propensity to gain knowledge without engaging with the text, and trusting in the finished work of Christ.  The Christ less Christianity series has been an eye-opener. it;s sad to see so much man centered theology permeate the evangelical landscape, and I pray that we look to Christ and his cross to praise Him in all His wondrous acts.

Written by ryan069

July 22, 2008 at 5:35 am

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Home Improvement

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Since I don’t own a home, I have yet to experience some of the joys and hard work to keep a house in good shape.  Recently, I’ve had the opportunity to help my dad with some repair work, and it has been difficult- that phrase highly euphemistic in nature. Pulling out carpet, deciding what to throw away, and gettting the house ready for repair has been a challenge. Yet I thank God for the chance to spend time with my family and to share the Gospel of jesus Christ with him.

This time has been one of many reflections on my childhood and the relationship I have with my father. All of us in the Carr family are highly stubborn and prone to do our own thing, often not telling each other what we need. Sometimes it ends up in confusion and miscommunication. Ever since the Fall, man has struggled to be open; there is that penchant to cover up what is shameful and to look for other ways to escape important areas of growth.

I pray that God works in his heart, and that I’d be faithful in sharing the good news with him. sometimes I feel like I’m the only one sharing with him, but I’m reminded that salvation is of the Lord. Who am i Lord that you would find favor with me? Without Christ  I am a child of perdition, but in Him I have everlasting life.

Written by ryan069

July 13, 2008 at 4:18 am

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I thank God for the work I have right now as a saleman at pro Golf Discount in kearny Mesa. I started there over four years ago, and I am thankful that I have a job, one that I enjoy going to but one I know is not my true calling.

Sales is not easy, and one of the most difficult tasks I have is to build trust when people come into our store. How many times have you been swarmed by pushy, smarmy salespeople, the shark fin up and out looking for there next victim.  The wounds go deep for many, and in our day and age of mass consumerism, we have a large workforce that deals with sales on many scales- from wholesale to reatil.

My start at Pro Golf came in the spring of ’04. After getting laid off at my previous job, I spent six months on unimployment.  With a lot more free time, I found myself bound; the more time off produced more feelings of slavery, especially because, as a socity, we are inculcated to take care of ourselves and to provide for our needs.  God instructed Adam to tend the garden, to till and take care of his surroundings. Work is thus an imporatnt theme in our lives, often to a point of despair and frustration. Part of this comes from a lack of calling in one’s life, seeking the place God wants us to be as a servant in His kingdom, and actively seeking Him in our primary calling to follow Christ.

Sales for me has become an intense joy, yet it is, at times, a big challenge for me because I have a hard time engaging people. Asking questions is imperative, and they help the salesperson learn about the customer and what might be a good fit. Product knowledge is vital as well, but there are times when that will not help close the deal.  I confess that I have said things to customers that could be interpreted as harsh, bold tactics, even a bit pushy, yet that is not my style. It can work on certain customers, but I don’t sell well that way.  The line that is said more often than not is “I’m just looking” I’d like a penny for every time i hear this phrase. I say it too when i’m sold to as well, but I try to refrain from that obvious statement.

I’m excited about going to seminary, and the time is drawing near. As a Christian I’m not called to sell Jesus; I’m called to point sinners to Christ and to proclaim His Gospel. One thing I have learned about sales and talking with people is that I need to be more intentional about asking questions, entering into the persons mind.  I pray Christians would see the beauty of calling in the workplace and desire to bear witness to the glory of God in Christ Jesus.

Written by ryan069

July 2, 2008 at 6:52 am

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Movies are a form of entertainment in our culture that spread various worldviews either intentionally or unintentionally. I have been a fan of movies for about ten years, albeit i confess that they are a great way to waste time in the comfort of a padded seat, eating popcorn and drinking a sugary beverage. Most of the movies I’ve seen have been alone. I recall talking with my dad when he told me he did the same thing as a young man. The more I talk with my dad, the more I see patterns in my life that emulate his. At times I resent it because it reminds me of a pattern i despise in myself. Anyway, that digression is a mere thought about the ways we often play out a script unawares, yet we are responsible for playing the lead act.

I attend Kaleo Church in Mision Valley. The morning service is at a movie theater.  The first time I attended the church i thought it was a bit ungainly; it seemed to worldly, a bit incongruous. I noticed that even more as I saw a movie in the same theater i attended church. IN the evening service we worship together at Faith presbyterian near san Diego State University.  When I started going to Kaleo I often found myself comparing it to The Path service I used to attend on Sunday evenings.  There are many similarites: the size of the service and the music, but there are some obvious differences in theology.

I am grateful for Kaleo and the preaching of David Fairchild. He preaches the Gospel fervently and is passionate about proclaiming the life, death and ressurection of Jesus Christ. Finding a church has become, at times, like lone trying to find out what movie to watch.  It seems to me that the ancillary issues of time (matinee or evening), who is praeching, and what kind of music is played that determines one’s choice. I pray that as the body of Christ, believers come to hear The word of God and to worship Him in spirit and truth.  As i’ve been a Christian for alomost eleven years, I have seen how easily consumerism invades the church much like a marketing campaign tries to bring people in.  I’ve bounced around from church to church intrigued by what drives people, and I see the same pattern in myself.  There are some legitimate reasons for leaving a church, but it’s often done with selfish motives. I’ve met a lot of people through this hopping from congreation to congregation, and i pray I look to Christ and The Gospel rather than looking for superficial relationships.  Church is a people of God coming together to worship our King, to partake of His supper, hearing from His word and living as lights to this world.  You may not go to church in a movie theater, but you may thank God that he has called you to Himself and share His truth with others who are battling a myriad of conflicting worldviews, which are portrayed in movies, books and art.

Written by ryan069

July 1, 2008 at 5:48 am

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