Sola Gratia

For His Word, Church, and Glory

Archive for January 2009

TRue REpentance

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Yesterday, on the Lord’s Day, I heard a marvelous sermon that addressed Psalm 51- the magnificent Psalm of repentance after David committed adultery with Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah. One aspect of this sermon that hit me hard was the tendency to have remorse rather than repentance. Remorse looks inward to the feelings of guilt and shame and gets stuck on one’s own shortcomings and sin. David gives us the example of turning to God, asking for His mercy to blot out our transgressions. What immediately stood out was David’s faith to seek God and ask for a new heart and to be restored to the joy of his salvation. It is truly a gift of God, and it points to the work of restoration God grants to a humble and contrite heart.  In trying to deal with my own sin, I turn inward and try to take on the role only God can give through His power and grace.

David shows us how to appraoch God in daily repentance, recognizing that it against Him that we have sinned. Of course the ramifications affect our relationships with others, but our sin is primarily an affront to a holy and righteous God. I pray for restoration as I seek God, trusting in His work of salvation. To Him be the Glory.

Written by ryan069

January 26, 2009 at 7:42 pm

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Word Study

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Today in Greek at WSC we looked at some basic terminolgy concerning word studies and how to use lexicons and commentaries to better understand how a word is used in its various contexts. Context, context, context. This is vital in exegesis, and as a new student of Greek, I want to become more proficient in how I read the Greek New testament.

I’ve had an affinity for words ever since middle school. Words convey meaning when they are arranged in sentences and in paragraphs. For a long time I have looked at roots of words and how words are formed. The problem I’ve had with that though is how the words derive meaning in context. What is the main point behind a grouping of words? What is the author conveying to an audience?  Words are used every day by humans to share stories, to ask for things, and to confront others with potential problems. How words are used and how they are articulated say a lot about the person saying them. James warns us about the tongue in how we speak truth to others. I find that the tongue is hard to tame(Dah!) and that I’ve said harsh words to family and friends without realizing the extent of what I said. Often, it only happens in retrospect when I realize the content of what was spoken in anger or impetuosity.

I’m looking forward to delving into the word study assignment, and I pray that I come to a better understanding of how words are used in preaching and teaching God’s Word. There is much to learn.

Written by ryan069

January 21, 2009 at 9:42 pm

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Pay Attention

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Sometimes focus seems so easy. Even when I haven’t prepared for a test. Other times, I’ve studied diligently to no avail. Today I had a quiz on vocab and Greek paradigms. For one, I didn’t study all the appropriate memory paradigms, but more important than that, I didn’t pay attention to the question on the quiz. Once I looked at the question the answer came to mind, however, I had to turn in the quiz. Times up.!

I went through period of self-loathing and lamented the poor effort. Back to basics. Read the question before you answer it. This circled through my mind for most of the afternoon, yet I also thank God for this happening, for it brought to mind something I struggle with not only on tests but also in listening to people. Have you ever had someone finish a sentence for you when you were ready to answer. O how this is one of my pet peeves! In all sincerity, I do the very same thing to others. People who have a more deliberate delivery in everyday conversation provide just enough of a gap to allow the quick thinker (or one who likes to interject) to say what they want. Usually, this goes on while the person is talking, and then the quick reply comes out.

I am a slow thinker in most respects, careful to form the words I want to say. Sometimes, thoough, this is a way to avoid saying something I might regret. Because it remains unspoken does not take away the intent of my heart. At times, when i speak at a faster rate, it is just the opposite of my normal speech pattern. I pray that people would be more apt to listen rather than wanting to be heard. I need this reminder for myself as well.

Communication is directly related to how we listen, intrepret and respond to others. Listening is not easy. That ought to be a given, but its hard to realize-especially when thoughts are focused elsewhere. So next week I have another quiz and then a final. Maybe this time I’ll slow down and read the question instead of fearing a poor grade.

Written by ryan069

January 17, 2009 at 4:18 am

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Conference Crasher

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The conference at WSC sold out for this weekends Calvin Legacy. I didn’t sign up early enough to get a ticket, but I am going to hang out and see if an opportunity arises to partake of this much anticapated conference. I am planning to study for Greek, so I’ll hang out to use the library.

Conferences today provide a lot of valuable information about theology and bring people together to think about various topics of interest. A google search will bring up the wide variety of conferences throughout the year, and I’m amazed at the frequency of conferences various groups have. We have T4G, Gospel Coalition, Passion, just to name a few. I enjoy attending these gathering because I want to learn more about the faith and how to live a ;life worthy of the gospel. I appreciate the rich teaching from some modern day theologians and pastors. Some few these gatherings and those who host them as an event, a way to build each other up in their own view or agenda. Some have called the preachers and teachers invloved as “Christian Celebrities”  It’s important to not elevate these leaders above who they proclaim- Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I pray we’ll learn more what it means to grow in the image of God’s Son and to bear witness to His glorious truth.

Written by ryan069

January 15, 2009 at 9:18 pm

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Calvin Conference at WSC

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This weekend WSC is hosting, which they do every year, a conference on the legacy of John Calvin. There are no spots left, but I am going to hang out and see if I can get in. If not, then I will have to wait for the DVD and listen to it at that time. I’m excited that WSC is hosting this event, and I’m sure my professors are eager to share about the rich history of the reformation regarding the profound impact of Calvin.

When I first heard about “Reformed” and “the doctrines of grace” I didn’t realize the impact Calvin had on these doctrines. For most, it seems, predestination is the main doctrine that comes to the surface when people talk about Calvin. For others, there’s a palpable disdain for his involvement with Servetus. There is much for me to learn about his Institutes and his commentaries. I’ve also read “The Expository Genius of Calvin by Steve Lawson, who ably describes Calvin’s passion for preaching and expositing the text of Scripture. I see why in this day and age there has been a resurgence in this form of preaching. Too often churches have wittingly or unwittingly offered the gospel as a few principles for life rather than the overarching story of redemption as scripture points to the main theme: Jesus Christ, his work and person.

The issues rasied by the Reformation (the five solas in particular) are not new in scope but they were brought to the forefront by getting back to the heart of the gospel. I’m eager to learn more about the rich history of Reformation Theology and to grow in God’s grace and knowledge as a disciple of Christ. I pray the conference enriches our awe and wonder of the gospel and instills in us a joy that shows concern for each other and the world. Soli Deo Gloria

Written by ryan069

January 14, 2009 at 9:55 pm

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Church Hopping

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Last year at the WSC annual conference I heard an interesting comment about the state of evangelicalism. The conference dealt with the topic of being Reformed and Missional. Both terms have different meanings to different people, but there are some distinct ions that Scott Clark has made on his blog The Heidelblog. The phrase that caught my attention was “sheep shifting” Immediately I connected this to the phenomenon known as church hopping. Perhaps consumerism has had a profound impact on church goers moving from congregation to congregation looking for the right place to be “fed”

I went through a period of church hopping myself, eager to learn about this often misunderstood instution. That word alone makes the Emergent church cringe. Authority. No way! This is also another reason why its hard to enforce church disipline. I’ve been to large churches where I didn’t anybody i met the week before. I’ve been in small churches where i’ve seen the same people week after week and still didn’t get to know them that well.

In fact it took almost four years at the last church I attented to meet regularly for coffee and to talk about Christ and His church. Ever since Christ drew me to Himself by His amazing grace, I have been intrigued bu church culture. I’m learning more about coming together as the body of Christ to hear His Word and to partake in the Lord’s Supper.

I’m convicted to look at the log in my own eye and confess that I’ve looked to the church for comfort from being lonely and fearful in being exposed. Therein lies my idolatry where I seek external comfort, knowing intellectually that I need fellowship, but inwardly guarding my heart in a neagtive way.

There are cases where a shift needs to take place if the Word is not preached. The Gospel is at stake. It’s not that God’s needs us but He calls us as His instruments to bring truth and love in witness and testimony to what God has done in Christ Jesus.

Fellowship is not easy. It’s much easier to pick up one’s tent and pitch it elsewhere. The menu options are manifold. May we preach the Word with boldness and love. It’s great to have fellowship with others in the church but not for merely moving from one church to another.

Written by ryan069

January 13, 2009 at 9:53 pm

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Aha: Not a Rock Band

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The pastoral counseling class finished up today. One of our assignments included a written summary of each lecture. The professor called these “aha” summaries. What part of the lecture stood out? What grabbed your attention during the lecture?

I had many of these moments throughout the class, and I am glad that I took this course. One thing that stood out for me as well is the humble reminder that I (and you) are not alone in the struggles of life. We have a mighty and powerful God, no other than the Creator of the universe. How majestic is His name in all the earth. Psalm 8:1. Nothing is outside His view. He sustains and gives life. In Him we move and have our being.

Today we dealt with problems associated with fear, guilt, and depression. It doesn’t take long for us to see that in others,and if we are honest with ourselves, we see the same problems others face. At times, I use this blog like a journal. I don’t want to post explicit details, but I have been an avid journal writer for about 12 years.  Part of the reason for this came at a time when I didn’t feel comforatble telling others how i feel. It is still a problem i have, but I find myself being too intospective and self-absorbed. Sometimes I wish I could turn off all those thoughts, but I realize now that I worship idols instead of the living God, who sent His Son  to die for my sins. I rob glory that ought to go to God. My lips speak what sounds good on the surface, but my heart is far from God.

I pray others will have an “aha” moment and recognize their utter dependence on God and His grace. Press on toward the goal heavenward, proclaiming God’s goodness and majesty to save sinners. Repent and believe.

Written by ryan069

January 10, 2009 at 3:53 am

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Photograpghy: Develop Negatives

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The pastoral counseling course has opened my eyes and heart to a fundamental issue with humanity. We worship but we worship things other than our glorious and great God, who sent His Son to atone for our sins. I’m also learning that counseling can also be dsrcibed as discipleship.  A tendency that often occurs in counseling is to be the fix-it man who sees a problem and wants to solve it right away. Most men are like this, listening to others and my own tendency to fix problems. The problem though is that we’ll address the problem but not the person.

Indeed, as Paul says, we are a new creauture in Christ, but sin still remains, looking for a foothold to persuade us to act upon those sinful desires.

Counseling is not always a long process with a pator or elder, and usually includes a few sessions to identify heart issues and to encourage the believer to trust in God through a season of doubt or trial. The Bible is clear on the subject of suffering, although our evil hearts are quick to avoid and deny that such things are occuring in life. James calls the brothers to consider it pure joy when you face many trials. That is not the response that comes first in my mind as I face such trials. However, we can be comforted knowing that God sent His Suffering Servant to take upon our infirmities and to give us an inexpressible joy that clings to the goodness of God.

Therapy has taken a role much like photograpghy. When the negatives come in life, we need to develop them. The problem with this appraoch is that the focus is on man. Even therapy becomes a place where man uses others as currency to appease low sel-esteem and guilt that are an ever increasing dillema in our day. God gives us His revelation and shows what the true condition of man is and provides a way out through His sovereign plan of redemption.

The class ends tomorrow but I pray that I’ll continue to look to the Author and Finisher of my faith.

Written by ryan069

January 9, 2009 at 2:50 am

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Pastoral Counselling

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The winter term began today at WSC. This four day course cover the basics of pastoral counselling and a brief over view of what to expect when pastors bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to their congregants, not only on Sunday morning but also during counselling sessions.  One thing I noticed right away is that counselling happens more often than I realize. Converstations with family, friends, and fellow seminarians all include, whether one perceives it or not, a time to share. Christians are called to carry each others burdens, procaliming the Gospel through encouragement and living  in a covenant community.

I’ve been fascinated by this field. One reason is that I need it just as much as another. I’ve experienced wonderful times of growth through one on one discussions and through small group ministry. Too often though that is not the case, and I am culpable of not opening up and sharing whats on my mind. The public and private worlds seem so far apart for me, and I pray that this area of ministry would be fruitful, especially since I desire to help others with areas of discipleship.

I am grateful for the biblical commitment to counseling that Jay Adams, Ed Welch, and Paul Tripp offer in the area of pastoral counseling.  In some ways I’m drawn more to this aspect than the theological concepts I appreciate. (doctrines of grace to name but one) Now I see a more integrated approach that addresses sin, the heart, and how man seeks to run away from these truths.

Written by ryan069

January 7, 2009 at 1:23 am

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New Year Post

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As the new year begins it is natural to reflect on the previous year. ’08 has a myriad of images embedded in my mind and i pray that the vision of my heart sees the beauty and work of Christ on the cross in all that happenned and all that will happen this year. There were some exciting as well as challenging circumstances that captured my attention in an idolatrous way. O how my factory of idols goes into overdrive as difficulties arise and the affection of my heart gets draw to vain idols and comforts. My grandpa died last year, I started seminary, and I broke up with my girlfriend.

The scandal of the cross, that Christ died for my sins and gives new life in Him, continues to amaze me. God’s grace given while I look elsewhere to ease my fears is truly a blessing. I am definitely doing better than i deserve. I forget Romans 8:1 and forget about what Christ has done.

A new semester is about to start at WSC. I pray for focus and discipline as I begin a new series of classes.

Written by ryan069

January 2, 2009 at 7:55 pm

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